hi gee-tar low gee-tar med piano hi piano strings low piano -- 1st KLF release -- this music was put together during the events that surrounded two of my dear friends, Colin and Jane. for those of you who know what i am referring to, maybe you can pick out a few parts that ring a bell musically where words just cannot. for those of you who can not, too bad. (: -=. ..... '94 .=- .. - KLF - (re-release)(re-release)'95 thanks to epeius for giving me that little kick i need to finish any song. other greetz 'n stuff - bizzaze & maelcum / KLF natex & anarchy / iCE skaven ( cool printer! ), firelight, fooey, pluto, and BIG HUGE GINORMOUS --==CONGRATULATIONS==-- to Kris and Eileen. may your new life together bring happiness to those around you and to each other. (the plague is coming) (: - Lorkyril there's no more to read. go away. (: if you actually scrolled down this far, your extent of boredom goes way beyond my comprehension. blah.